Friday, October 31, 2008

Made the drink of coffee and tea be felt better

Drink coffee or tea was something that was important in daily, very pleasant felt the enjoyment of coffee and high-quality tea so as to want us to try to make him and served to the guest and our relatives who visited place we .

Dirtiest water really made us the difficulty of using him, without being refined before, usually this water when being used cooked coffee or our favourite tea, made coffee flavour and tea became sharp। We could not enjoy him from the drink that we for.

The quality of water indeed was critical in the feeling of each kind of food or the drink that we for in fact too many contents of the lime in water could move the kettle and our cooking utensils, made the feeling that was not wanted by us also our health.

The use of the water filter separated the content dirty, made instrumentation cooked us so increasingly was treated was already exact। Moreover we really liked the drink of coffee or tea that we for, so as the guest and relatives liked him and wanted to continue to taste him in the following visit। Made us happy to make him with the past aroma that was very famous from a coffee and normal tea.

Currently we must not waste time to visit the coffee stall and could be thrifty by enjoying our artificial coffee personally. The implement cooked us more was treated and results of his cooking also very as hoped we. A solution in our pleasure to make coffee and our tea personally.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The PayToClick site

Possibly now you have few pictures about PTC sites. But definitely him had the hesitation in yourself, especially because of this business through the internet or the online business, that the length said in the marrow of some lay Asian communities still could not trust fully matters like this. Likewise because the working system that was based on the pyramid, often was misinterpreted like MLM, money game et cetera

I will explain first his procedure how until PTC sites could offer the payment for us just opened the page of his advertisement.

• Had several companies that wanted to advertise his product, but minimal the cost. This

• The company afterwards installed the advertisement in PTC sites & paid so that his advertisement could be seen by many prospective customers, in a larger manner several of Penny per click (compared if they must the advertisement in the other media). • PTC sites opened the free registration for his member & gave the payment for each the page the advertisement that was seen by his member, in a larger manner-usually- several cent per click.

But, effective made the advertisement in PTC? Possibly that your question if saw from the side of the advertiser. Could yes, could not. This the public's answer to place the advertisement in the media anything. Although most members PTC more cared to the payment & did not pay attention to the advertisement that was installed, but let's saw again, the type of the person like what became the member PTC? They were people who wanted to get money in an online manner & was prepared to work for that. Were they not the person who was exact for the doll house business that was offered by the advertisers? And usually PTC that for a long time & was believed tended to make his member also trust the advertisement that was installed, because of PTC legitimisation site this. Was just the same if you looked for something, definitely you saw his advertisement only in medias that has been believed. And was other the reason why user/the advertiser installed the advertisement in PTC site. That is to increase the number of his traffic (the visit to site they), so as his position will rise in the list of the Google search.

Then, why must have the shape of the pyramid or searched referral? Just natural, from the side of the member, we will not get money many & fast if only relied on himself with click the advertisement totalling +/- 10 advertisements costing per click $0,01 every day not? PTC site also will not meet many members so as was not believed the advertisers & will not get additional revenue from the purchase referral & up grade the member if not having the system referral earlier. But that too had his rule, only referral immediately was supervised by you who will increase your income, so as you or who must co-operate the harshness to get referral as much as possible and reached the payment was as much as his efforts. So not have the highest term richest. Unlike MLM.

OK, we have had the picture was more far about from where money that will be obtained by us came & how his work. Very far from not lawful words, money game et cetera. In the world that already global the business will then go more practical & varied, almost all the trade efforts & the traditional service glanced at the internet media to widen his network. So, PTC only an one of the alternatives from the world of the business, and we were ready to dredge dollar from him, provided that smart & conscientious in undertaking him, was just the same like the form of other investment.

Then whether his reason and his profit we tried with PTC? This of several reasons that were thought about in my head, possibly you had the other reason:

• Could money that at least to cover the cost of the internet connection because I liked very much browsing and surfing, apart from for the need of the work also for the happiness Personal

• might not spend personal money to donate (contributed) site/the certain forum where I gathered, like site2 that gave download free but hoped for the contribution in order to be able to continue to operate. I could make use of the fund from PTC that flowed to Alertpay/paypal for this.

• might not spend personal money for the online expenses, for example in eBay or, because of not having the credit card. If having the fund in Alertpay/Paypal as produced by PTC could be used for this.

• Passed the time vacant when being waiting download-an or while being waiting for the page that I browse was finished uploading

• If has achieved the big value, of course could as the production of the addition or even exceeded my monthly pay, moderate for a person single mom that fought to increase the child, hehehe…

• Could in addition of friends because of must search referral, both in the real world and in The world of the internet

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Infrared Light Therapy

Part of the SUN RAYS

The sun produced the rays that were distinguished by his colour in the spectrum of the appearance rays and the rays did not appear. One of the rays did not appear to be ultraviolet rays that was in the spectrum of the violet colour. The rays did not appear other was X- rays, The Gamma rays and the Cosmic rays, that had long the wave was shorter than ultraviolet rays and when being not controlled very dangerous for the life of humankind and the other creature.

Infrared rays (infrared Ray – Fir) also was the rays did not appear that was in the spectrum of the red colour, approached the spectrum of the appearance rays. Could be said that 80% sunlight were infrared rays because of the width of the range of the wave of these rays (0.75-1000 micron). The rays infra red was grouped in 3 zones: near infrared Ray (0.75-1.5 micron), middle infrared Ray (1.5-4 micron) and far infrared Ray (FIR 4-1000 micron).

The Definition FIR According to Prof. LI Dong QI

The spectrum of the sun rays consisted of the appearance rays and did not appear. The appearance rays covered: red, oranye, yellow, green and purple (was known as the colour of the rainbow). The rays did not appear in part to be: ultraviolet rays, The X- rays, The Gamma rays, The Cosmic rays, Mikrowave, The wave of electricity and infrared rays. The electromagnetic wave between the appearance rays and the rays mikrowave was named infrared rays (long the wave between 0.75-1000 mikron). Characteristically FIR was not Seen with the eyes (did not appear), was linear (spread), refraktif (could be reflected) and was absorbed by several objects.

The newest study about Biotechnology found that infrared rays- The wave - Long (Far Infrared Ray - FIR, in a long manner the wave between 6-14 micron) played an important role in the formation and the growth of living creatures. For this reason, these infrared rays were acknowledged also as the Bio Genetik rays.

All the living creatures in Earth always consisted of the water molecule and complex protein. The water molecule was always unstable. If the water molecule in oxidation in a long manner the wave between 8-10 micron (that was long the wave oxidation water) a kind of instability vibration will happen (resonance).

This resonance caused this water ionisation to become the Hydrogen ion (H+) and Hidroksil (OH-) happened to the very high speed (10/12 the second). This ionisation was named the "Activation" of "Water". If the process of this activation of happening all over the human body, cell metabolism and the process of the disposal of cell metabolism became more active and effective until producing the development of the amazing cell.

Infrared rays from the sun had long the wave between 3.5-10 micron and infrared rays that had long the wave 6-14 micron was the rays bio genetic that really played an important role in the life of humankind (we accepted these rays every day from the sun with all the ray in the spectrum of the sun rays).

WHY did we need the FIR PRODUCT?

As being known by us, the sun also broadcasted various rays sorts. Then if we got the explanation of the sun rays, we also got the other rays actual dangerous, like the Kosmik rays, the X-rays, the Ultraviolet rays, the micro rays, the Gamma Ray, radio waves et cetera. Several rays kinds could like ultraviolet rays cause skin cancer and various other illnesses. Because of that we needed something that could replace or create something that could produce FIR. Finally, after 10 years in his research, of Prof. Li Dong Qi found that the combination of 26 oxide minerals (was acknowledged as Bio-Ceramic) from Earth this could generate FIR pure.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Work Problems

Each day-every time most people were very happy in working although the work that was involved in by him financially did not suffice, in this case various motivations that formed the background of their survival in his work, including being knowledge and information that became the choice to work with the better production and with the place worked that was good also. Because with the nonexistence of the alternative finally their time was seized was full in the available work.

On the other hand to receive what was looked for in working for them who made himself to productive humankind, that liked his work to be not free from the pay that will be accepted. In his reality we worked to can the pay not for the futility not? So as automatically emerged the climate of the work that was conducive in his place environment worked.

As if which work that was involved in by us could become something that was pleasant, with the long aim not only was provided a basis for only to receive the pay or the status/the career only, better have the other addition that was good in our work motivation that is as religious duties, hmm, why like that??

Possibly, by adding the motivation worked as religious duties then will have peace from inside himself when the pay that was gotten disappointed us, or the status of the career that satisfied and became the hindrance for us to happy in undertaking the work.